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Download Odin Tool (All Versions) for Samsung Galaxy Devices

Download Odin for Samsung (All Versions)

Since the success rate of flashing files with Odin differs according to Odin versions, you should always use either the Odin version recommended by the tutorial you are following or Odin v1.85, Odin v3.12.10, Odin3 v3.04, Odin3 v3.07, Odin3 v3.09, Odin3 v3.10.0.zip, Odin3_v3.10.7, Odin3 v3.11.2, Odin3 v3.12.7, Odin3 v3.12.10, or Odin3 v3.13.1.
Odin_v1.85.zip (recommended for Gingerbread/Ice Cream Sandwich firmwares)
Odin3_v3.09.zip (recommended for JellyBean/KitKat firmwares)
Odin3_v3.10.7.zip (recommended for Lollipop firmwares)
Odin3_v3.11.1.zip (latest version recommended for flashing Marshmallow firmware)
[The latest Odin for Samsung devices can now flash the newer firmwares with compressed binaries (lz4). If you own the Galaxy S8, S9, or Note 7, use Odin3_v3.13.1 or greater]
PrinceComsyModifiedODIN.zip (don’t download unless you are sure what it is)
Also, download the latest Samsung USB Drivers.
Note: If you have been following some tutorial to flash the stock firmware or firmware component/s, please use the Odin version recommended in the guide.

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